Disclaimer: My thoughts and opinions on shoes/footwear should be taken with a grain of sand. While I believe my shoe philosophy has contributed to 27,000+ injury free lifetime miles, it may have had nothing whatsoever to do with that fact. Also, this is the internet. Base Shoe Belief System I believe that different shoes work…
2.5 Weeks Out. . .
I’m in the middle of my peak week in the lead up to Rabid Racoon and I’m just . . . cruising. Physically I feel good. My legs are much closer to the fresh end of the spectrum than my normal peak week mostly thrashed end. Mentally I’m in an even better place. Lots of…
Dear Loyal Reader
Deepest apologies for ghosting you over the past couple weeks. I’ve had a couple ideas for posts, but haven’t wanted to spend any time writing them up. Here are a couple quick hit thoughts I’m having this week. Volunteering I’ve gotten in a couple volunteering stints over the past month. I helped out at AS…
Advanced Ultra Training (Don’t Try This At Home)
The best thing about the internet is all the information that’s out there. The worst thing about the internet is all the information that’s out there. So the purpose of this blog is twofold: 1) to entertain and 2) to educate. I’m not sure if its best classified as entercation or edutainment. Probably swings from…
Angela Ivory Memorial 100 Mile Race Report
No Name Calling, Please The Angela Ivory Memorial Runs are organized as fatass style ultra events at Killens Pond State Park in Felton, DE. I would characterize this as a “no frills” race, but that still doesn’t quite convey the lack of amenities. You get what you bring. If you didn’t bring it, it’s not…
Having The Courage To Experiment
I’m a creature of habit. I sit in the same chairs at home. Order the same meals when I go out to restaurants. Run the same routes every week. If I find something that works for me, I’ll keep at it. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it is my motto. And while it’s good…
What Longevity In Ultrarunning Looks Like
I stumbled upon this google sheet online within the past week. Well, restumbled upon as I had seen this at some point in the past. It’s a listing of runners who have finished various ultra distances with the longest time between first and last races. There are runners who have finished hundred milers across a…
Achieving A Goal, 7 Years In The Making
I’m a beer guy. IPAs, lagers, porters, pale ales, stouts, pilsners, ales; you name it and I’ll drink it. There’s nothing I like more than having a couple beers after a long day at work or a long run. In reality, I’ve liked it a bit too much at times. My wife would make the…
2024: The Year Of Massive Mileage
I don’t usually do a Year In Review post as I prefer to look forward than dwell on the past. Instead, I’ll provide an overview of my overall running volume. The secret to my “success” in ultras is written in the chart above. Every month I’m logging decent mileage. Year after year after year. Summer,…
The Continuous Pivot
I can’t quite seem to get 2025 dialed in. Normally, I’m locked on a schedule 12 months out. My 2025 calendar though has gone through yet another revision. I had been planning to run TWOT 100M in February. It wasn’t until after I had committed back in August that I realized it conflicted with DUC…