By popular demand, more photos less whining about me making the same mistakes for the bazillionth time. The Course Phunt is a trail race held at the Fair Hill Nature Center in northeastern Maryland. This was my fifth Phunt and the fifth different course that I’ve run there. It was mostly the same trails, however…
Running as a Lifestyle
My fifth Phunt 50K is this weekend. I was thinking about my training leading up to the race and realized that I probably need to throw some quotation marks around that word. I got a little burned out last year with all of the miles I logged (2500 – new annual best!) and so dialed…
A New Streak
Throughout the first six years of this blog, I’ve been pretty random about posting content. Pretty much the only guarantees would be a race report at some point during the week after a race. Depending on the race, you also had maybe a 50/50 chance of a preview post the week before. Other than that…
2022 Race Calendar
I’m not one to look back so no 2021 recap from me. I’ve decided to start adding my upcoming races to the bottom of my Race Results page. At this point, 2022 is pretty locked in, but if COVID has taught us anything it’s that nothing is ever guaranteed. Phunt 50K – 1/15/22 NJ Devil…
My 100 Miler Ranks: 2021 Edition
I started this ranking a couple years ago. No race is exactly the same and since everyone looks for something different when choosing races, I thought I would give you my ranks in various categories. Only one race gets added to the lists this year (Devil Dog), however C&O Canal gets moved around a little…
Mind Games
They say hundreds are 90% mental. I’ve always thought that was 110% effort type math. Sure. I understand what you’re trying to say, but you’re undercutting your argument by being hyperbolic. Running ultras are extremely physical endeavors. Trying to undersell that I think is a mistake. That said, not having your head in the right…
Devil Dog 100 Mile Race Report
This race is hard. Let’s start things off with some facts. These numbers compare to 60-70% finish rates for most 100 mile races. One of the theories being tossed around at the finish line was a larger than normal number of inexperienced runners. I look at the demographics for all my races and the number…
Devil Dog 100 Mile Preview
Devil Dog will be my first new hundred of the year. While I don’t have a problem running the same race every year or going back and doing a race multiple times if it’s convenient, I do enjoy running new races. Each race brings its own unique challenges and it’s fun to try and figure…
Meh, not feeling it
I’ve been in a bit of a funk for the last 3 or 4 weeks. Practically wearing a groove in my snooze alarm. I’ve had a very active year so far with five ultra races plus my two failed attempts at the Mason-Dixon Trail (99 and 72 miles). And traditionally this has been my down…
The Ultra Runner Super Skill
If you want to succeed in ultras, then I have one skill for you to focus your time and attention. It’s not downhill technical descents. Not eating while running. Nor is it dealing with adversity. Though all those will surely benefit you, there’s one other skill I would recommend you hone: Patience. So I’m not…