I started these annual ranks way back in 2017 as a way to help people choose which races to run. Amazing to think that this is now my 8th annual update of my 100 miler ranks. No race is exactly the same and since everyone looks for something different when choosing races, I thought I…
Wild Goose 100 Mile Race Report
Many thanks to Kim, Joe, and their amazing group of volunteers for a great race. Wild Goose Trail Festival is a weekend of races put on by Sassquad Trail Running in the Wawayanda State Park. In addition to the 100M race, they also have 100K, 50M, 50K, 10K, 36HR, and 13.1M plus a 1M kids…
Wild Goose 100M Preview
It seems like forever since I’ve raced, but Viaduct was only a relatively short 10 weeks ago. Here’s what’s on tap this weekend. Wild Goose Trail Festival is a weekend of races put on by Sassquad Trail Running in the Wawayanda State Park. In addition to the 100M race, they also have 100K, 50M, 50K,…
Four Score And A Couple More Miles
This is the week it could all come crashing down. On 8/10, my beloved Eastern States was cancelled so I decided to take my current level of fitness and add in a block of training that goes to 11: For comparison, I’ve only had a streak of 4 weeks above 60 miles once before and…
I Finally Filled The Last Gap In My Ultra Gear
While it’s true that the activity of running really only requires a pair of shoes, ultras demand a couple extra items. The farther you run, the more gear you’ll need. You’ll need more gear because you have to carry food and fluids. You’ll need more gear just to cover the distance comfortably (i.e. trekking poles,…
With the cancellation of my beloved Eastern States, it’s time to pivot to the next thing. Most normal people would immediately look for a replacement race. Gotta get my race fix. Chatting with another runner at the non-start line, he mentioned The Ring over Labor Day weekend which has been on my bucket list for…
2024 Eastern States 100 Mile Non-Race Report
Well, that sucked in a completely different manner than it normally does. World Class Race Organization You really can’t gauge someone’s character until they’re tested by adversity. I believe this adage applies to race organizations as well. The Eastern States race organization has steadily improved over the past ten years, but it’s been in all…
2024 Eastern States 100 Preview
This will be my seventh trip to Little Pine State Park. While it’s true I always look forward to my hundred mile races, I’m especially excited for this year’s ES100. I’m coming off two amazing events and my fingers are crossed that the Summer of Phil can continue for one more race. The Dream Race…
Going Streaking
They say the key to success is consistency. That it’s better to slowly grind away at a goal rather than progressing in fits and starts. Personally, it’s much easier to keep up with something if I have a set schedule rather than one that is periodic or random. My strength training goal for the year…
Walking/Hiking As A Competitive Advantage In Ultras
Everyone enters the sport of ultrarunning with preconceived notions (aka baggage) of what is and isn’t ultrarunning depending on how we were introduced to the community. My running journey started with roads/marathons where walking* was frowned upon. As I built my endurance and was able to run for longer and longer distances, walking became a…