I have seven weeks between ES100 and Buckeye 200. It’s long enough to get some work done, but not really long enough for a full blown training block. I think of these periods more as maintaining rather than training. Not like I normally do a bunch of structured training even if I have 3 months…
2023 ES100 Additional/Final Thoughts
If you hadn’t guessed yet, I’m pretty obsessed with Eastern States so here’s yet another post on the race. Let’s start with finish times. Here are the median finish times over the years and how mine compare. 2023 was the second slowest year to the infamous 2016 race (oh yeah, it sucked). This makes me…
Strategies For A Successful Eastern States 100
I’m going a different direction with my race report this year. More of a How-To guide on running the race. If you’re interested in a more traditional accounting, you can check out my races in 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022. Or my photo journey in 2021. Strategy #1: Go out fast Don’t listen to all those…
2023 ES100 Preview
I’ll be heading back to Little Pine State Park this weekend for my sixth running of Eastern States 100 mile. This will break my current three-way tie of races that I’ve done five times before. Phunt and Naked Bavarian were races I kept going back to because they were cheap (both) and/or a perfect tune…
Backup Race, Nothing Like the First
The other way I’ve gotten over the cancellation of the Vermont 100 this month was by signing up for another race. I went to UltraRunning Magazine’s awesome calendar to find a replacement. I started by looking specifically for hundreds on the same weekend as VT100, however there wasn’t anything scheduled that was within driving distance…
The Un-Race Report
For those looking for my Vermont 100 mile race report, I’m afraid I have to disappoint you. Due to severe flooding throughout the state, the race was cancelled this year. I had pre-published my last blog post before the announcement and it went live a couple hours before I saw the RD’s email the next…
Vermont 100 Mile Preview
I’m pretty excited for my race this weekend. OK fine, I’m excited for all my races. I get amped up a little more for my hundred milers. Vermont is not your average hundred miler though (if there is such a thing). And that’s got my level of anxiety anticipation at another level entirely. I have…
A Mt. Everest Month
There are many different ways to track training load. As the years progress and technology improves, there are more and more methods to quantify this. Most people look at overall mileage or time. I’m a mileage guy. Whether that’s 8 miles, 20, or my typical mid-week 7.5 miler, that’s how I think of my runs.…
Unfocused on Western States
I have a confession to make. I’m not really interested in running Western States. I feel like a bad ultrarunner even thinking something along these lines. Western States is The hundred miler so it’s more than a little ironic for someone hoping to finish a hundred of them not having WSER100 at the tippy top…
My Ultra Origin Story
Even though I’m no super hero, I figured it was time to recount my ultra origin story. As with most good stories, mine begins with a pretty woman: my wife. She had run Broad Street a couple times and was interested in moving up and doing a half marathon. As the supportive husband, I told…