My long runs are the one and only key workout that I do. I don’t do hill repeats, I don’t do speed sessions on the track, and still think fartlek is something middle school boys do to annoy their parents. So everything comes down to executing well on these runs. OK, execution is a bit…
Project 14Forty Update: 45 Mile Weekend
Training never seems to go exactly how you have it planned. The miles might end up where they’re supposed to be, but the effort/ease/pace can be vastly different. Maybe it’s all about the expectations, which I’m still working on being able to manage appropriately. I was borderline dreading this weekend’s two runs – 25 miles…
Project 14Forty: January Update
This weekend may end up being the make-or-break weekend of Project 14Forty. It wasn’t supposed to be that way as I was only scheduled for 6 miles (5 Saturday, 1 Sunday). When I created the training plan, I had a tough time trying to figure out the11 weeks between Phunt 50K and Umstead. I’ve been doing…
Digits: Year of 2016
Happy New Year! I love numbers with a passion that’s a little creepy. This leads me to track just about everything I can, especially running related. I have several spreadsheets that I use to track my running and cross training activities. I haven’t really done much with this data yet, but it’s nice to use…
Project 14Forty: 35 Mile Weekend
Note: In case you missed it, here’s where I explain Project 14Forty. So I chased yesterday’s meh 20 miles with a very enjoyable 15 this morning. For some reason, it ends up that way more often than not for me. My course was virtually identical to what I did a day ago, with a slight tweak…
Project 14Forty Update: Grinding and Chilling
Today’s was not a magical, fairytale run. There were no rainbows and unicorns. It was not a blazingly fast or effortless endeavor. This was one of those tough, workmanlike affairs. It wasn’t exactly a check-the-box off type workout, but it was close. And that’s really fine with me. Not every run has to be special…
Project 14Forty Update
It’s been a while since I’ve given you an update on how my training is going (OK, fine. I haven’t given you any.), so here goes. Things have started off very well. I have been able to get in all the long runs that were on my schedule except one. I had originally planned to…
Project 14Forty
I have a dream. Not a capital D Dream, but a dream nonetheless. I have a fascination with round numbers and while 24 is not a very round number, the number 1 is. Ever since I start training for 100 milers, I’ve wanted to run one inside of a day. One sun, one moon, 100 miles. …
Caught a 10K (and Offseason Update)
While it’s true that the purpose of this blog is to document my chase of a hundred 100 mile run finishes (100×100=10,000), this is goal remains so far in the future as to be unattainable. I’ve been running 100 mile races for 18 months now and I’m only 4% of the way there. So I…
Ready or Not
I’m 13 days out from the Cloudsplitter 100 and finished my last long run earlier today. OK, it was my only long run. And it was only 10 miles. I had planned on doing a 2 hour hike immediately afterwards, but ended up substituting a 2.5 mile dog walk instead due to time constraints. The…