Do you believe in signs? Whether it’s God or life in general giving direction by providing an insight into the correct choice? When you’re presented with 2 equal options, how do you pick between them? Most times the correct choice is easy. It screams out to you what you should do. But what about those times…
Cloudsplitter 100 Training Plan
Um, I don’t really have one. It’s not that I don’t really want one. I do. And it’s not that I don’t know how to create one. I do. It’s that this race is only 7 weeks after Eastern States. What can I possibly do in 7 weeks? I don’t have time for a full blown…
Walking It In: The Sequel!
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but I walked in yet another training run. Sequels are typically horrendous affairs (think Caddyshack II), however every now and again you stumble across a gem (Lethal Weapon 2, Back to the Future II). This weekend’s long run definitely goes into the latter category and not the…
Walking It In
I should have known it was going to be one of those runs. I was about 2 miles into my run on Saturday when a water bottle jumped out of my hydration pack and dropped to the ground. The lid popped off and about 3/4 of the water was emptied out before I could scoop…
I have finally had a breakthrough in my running fitness. I’ve been stuck at the same level for the past year and I just started assuming that I was never going to get better. I’m no spring chicken so at some point age is going to offset whatever training that I’m doing. I figured fitness maintenance…
Cheslen Hills
I went over to Cheslen Preserve yesterday for what has become my bread and butter long run workout. This one went much better than the last time I was over there. The nature preserve has about 15 miles of trails through meadows and woods. It has a nice variety of trails from single to double…
Not The Run I Had Planned
They stole my water. They stole my water! I couldn’t believe it. I had an extra bottle of water by the side of the trail for the last hour of my run, but now it was gone. I had passed these 3 teenagers and I’m sure they’re the ones that had taken it. My first…
The Secret of My Success
Does anyone else love a good Michael J Fox movie? Here’s a down to earth Midwest boy (hey, I know someone like that) who moves to New York City (I did that, too!) and becomes the CEO of a big corporation (um, no). Well, 2 out of 3 ain’t too shabby. And I bet I…
Be Very, Very Afraid
I’m still about 3 months out from Eastern States 100, but I’m already more than a little afraid of what the race has in store for me. You see, this is quite possibly the hardest 100 miler on the east coast and one of the more difficult ones anywhere. Last year only about 40% of…
Back In The Saddle
I’m considering today day 1 of my next training cycle. It’s not that I haven’t been running since C&O Canal. I’ve been out every day since the race finished, however I haven’t been training. I haven’t even been maintaining. The past 3+ weeks have been all about recovery. While I’ve been running consistently, it’s been rather modest…