I’m now in the favorite part of my training cycle – The Taper. It seems that most people (or at least most people with blogs) dislike this part of race preparation. I love it. Lower miles, more sleep, less work. What’s not to like? Frankly, I like it so much, I do a 3 week taper…
How I Crushed My Long Run
I went into this morning’s run with a little trepidation. This was my longest training run of the cycle at 30 miles and the weather was supposed to be rather harsh with low 30s temperatures and rain/snow. I didn’t have any fear of not finishing the run, but it just didn’t sound like fun. Last…
Flipping The Switch
Last weekend I started getting a little excited to train. I haven’t really been that gung ho (anyone else remember that movie from the 1980s?) about this training cycle. I have just kind of been going through the motions. I’ve been getting all my long runs in and have been close to my weekly mileage…
Dude, Where’s My Miles?
Dude While I didn’t mention it in my February Digits post, I was a little amazed in my running mileage total for the month. I’m supposed to be ramping up for a 100 mile race in 9 weeks and I can barely crank out 100 over an entire month? Heck, my total mileage for the…
Half Marathon to 100 Mile Training Plan
How? How does someone go from being able to run 13 miles or so to 100? It’s such a huge, monstrous, insane jump that it’s tough to even wrap your mind around. When I got the idea that I wanted to run one, I started surfing the internet looking for 100 mile training plans. I…
Quick Training Update
After the onslaught of old race reports, I thought I’d give a quick update of how my C&O Canal 100 training is going. The Good I’m not injured. My left hamstring is a little on the tight side, but this has been the case as far back as I can remember so no big deal. …
I Feel The Need For Speed
After 9 days of waiting, I finally got my speed workout done this morning. While I was rather anxious about how it would go (fast is a 4 letter word after all), it turned out better than I feared. The workout was on my local high school track with a 2 mile warm-up, 3 mile repeats with…
So Fast It Took No Time
My first speed workout was scheduled for yesterday and went so quickly it took no time at all. I mean that literally though since it never happened. If you’re like me and living in Southeastern PA, then you know that there’s currently 20-24 inches of white stuff still sitting on the ground. Now it’s true I’ve…
When Less is More
I’m only 3 weeks into my C&O Canal training cycle and I’m already starting to rethink things. Back in the day (like last year), this never happened. I got out my excel spreadsheet, plotted out my daily runs over the next 20 weeks, and did them. I never changed the schedule. I didn’t change what…
C&O Canal 100 Training Plan
I’m going to use a modified version of my Oil Creek training plan for my next 100 mile. The weekly mileage will run in the 25-45 mile range with a longest run of 30 miles. There will be two primary differences: lower focus on elevation gain and more speed sessions. C&O is a very flat…