I stumbled upon this google sheet online within the past week. Well, restumbled upon as I had seen this at some point in the past. It’s a listing of runners who have finished various ultra distances with the longest time between first and last races. There are runners who have finished hundred milers across a…
Achieving A Goal, 7 Years In The Making
I’m a beer guy. IPAs, lagers, porters, pale ales, stouts, pilsners, ales; you name it and I’ll drink it. There’s nothing I like more than having a couple beers after a long day at work or a long run. In reality, I’ve liked it a bit too much at times. My wife would make the…
Next Run Project: Lancaster Covered Bridge Tour
Despite my almost decade long quest to run the Mason Dixon Trail, I’m not really a run project guy. For me, it’s all about races. Nothing gives me more pleasure than pinning on a bib and “competing” with a bunch of others. That said, I’m not necessarily against a long effort outside a race environment…
How To Avoid Burnout (Or How I’ve Lasted 10 Years As An Ultrarunner)
Running ultras is hard. Training for ultras is time consuming. These are facts. In order to do hard things for a long time, you need to figure out how to make this sustainable. It’s a puzzle that everyone has to put together differently. This is how I’ve pieced it together for myself. Passionate About Running…
I Finally Filled The Last Gap In My Ultra Gear
While it’s true that the activity of running really only requires a pair of shoes, ultras demand a couple extra items. The farther you run, the more gear you’ll need. You’ll need more gear because you have to carry food and fluids. You’ll need more gear just to cover the distance comfortably (i.e. trekking poles,…
Walking/Hiking As A Competitive Advantage In Ultras
Everyone enters the sport of ultrarunning with preconceived notions (aka baggage) of what is and isn’t ultrarunning depending on how we were introduced to the community. My running journey started with roads/marathons where walking* was frowned upon. As I built my endurance and was able to run for longer and longer distances, walking became a…
Into The Gauntlet
Here goes nothing. I’ve consistently done six ultras per year since I got into this sport/community/hobby (fine, obsession) a decade ago. Of these, I’ve typically raced three 100s since I graduated to that distance in 2015. The past two years I’ve managed to up that slightly to four races. This has been spread throughout the…
What To Wear, What To Wear
Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming deciding what to wear. Too many choices. Guess it’s time to send some stuff to goodwill.
My Personal Mt. Rushmore of Ultras
My recent post got me thinking about all the ultras I’ve done over the years. Turns out I’ve done 36 different races of various flavors. Every year I rank my hundred milers and while I don’t think I can rank every single race I’ve done from first to worst, I think I can give you…
Health Benefits of Ultrarunning
The following are just some of the many health benefits of ultrarunning: Honestly, I can’t understand why ultras aren’t more popular.