DNF.  The three most abhorred letters in ultrarunning, which stands for Did Not Finish.  Did. Not. Finish.  While certainly not unique to ultras, most people progress through their running life without ever really questioning whether or not you’ll finish the race.  Hit a certain time?  You’ll definitely worry about that, but not the actual finishing…

When Good Habits Go Bad

I need to chill. It’s only been two weeks since my last 100 miler (MMT100) and I’m already chomping at the bit to get back into my normal training routine. My legs felt decent after only three or four days and they were borderline fresh after 10. I’m starting to get mentally anxious that I…

MMT100 Preview

I’m four days out from Massanutten Mountain Trails 100 (MMT100) and I’m already all keyed up. It’s funny. I used to get extremely nervous heading into these races because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Now I get extremely nervous heading into these races because I do know what’s going to happen. MMT100…

I Don’t Wanna

I’m feeling a little childish about my upcoming long runs this weekend. Since I’ve been running consistently for the last 5+ years, my training plans have been condensed down from 20 week schedules to just planned long runs. Based on the time between my last race (Naked Prussian) and MMT, I had 4 weekends available…