I’m pretty excited for my race this weekend. OK fine, I’m excited for all my races. I get amped up a little more for my hundred milers. Vermont is not your average hundred miler though (if there is such a thing). And that’s got my level of anxiety anticipation at another level entirely. I have…
A Mt. Everest Month
There are many different ways to track training load. As the years progress and technology improves, there are more and more methods to quantify this. Most people look at overall mileage or time. I’m a mileage guy. Whether that’s 8 miles, 20, or my typical mid-week 7.5 miler, that’s how I think of my runs.…
Unfocused on Western States
I have a confession to make. I’m not really interested in running Western States. I feel like a bad ultrarunner even thinking something along these lines. Western States is The hundred miler so it’s more than a little ironic for someone hoping to finish a hundred of them not having WSER100 at the tippy top…
My Ultra Origin Story
Even though I’m no super hero, I figured it was time to recount my ultra origin story. As with most good stories, mine begins with a pretty woman: my wife. She had run Broad Street a couple times and was interested in moving up and doing a half marathon. As the supportive husband, I told…
Hill Repeats, Reimagined
I think I’m done with speedwork. I ended up doing three workouts last month, which is longer than I’ve managed to last in the past. This time I tweaked my hamstring on the 7th of what was supposed to be ten 800 meter reps. It wasn’t enough to keep me from running and was completely…
Laurels Preserve Long Run In Pictures
I headed out last Saturday for a 20 miler at Laurels Preserve. This was long run #217 for me. This was also the 43rd straight month where I’ve done at least 1 run of twenty miles or more. Yes, I keep close track of my long runs. My belief has always been that if you…
100 Mile Shrine
A couple years ago my wife got me a nice display case for my 100 mile buckles. I decided to add my bibs and additional items that I’ve received for finishing 100 miles. This includes a license plate (NJ One Day), a certificate of completion (Greenbrier), and two medals (Cloudsplitter, Olde 96er). While I’ve grouped…
The title of this post should probably be “Speedwork?!?!” considering how much of it I incorporate into my training. Ever since I started running, I’ve shied away from running fast. Partly because I’m, well, not fast. Partly because I’ve always equated running fast with increased injury risk. And I also realized that I just don’t…
NJ Devil 100 Mile Race Report
In this race report: At some point, I will be able accurately predict an ultra finish time. Last weekend I ran the inaugural NJ Devil 100 Miler. After many years of planning, the Beast Coast Pro team and their amazing volunteers were finally able to put on this race. It starts and ends at the…
2023 NJ Devil 100 Mile Demographics
I’ve always been interested in who signs up to run an ultra. Below are some stats that I pulled from Ultrasignup. While it’s not completely comprehensive (US and trail/ultra centric), I think it’s pretty representative of most runner’s background. This is a fairly normal distribution from what I normally see. The M40-49 age group has…