Recently, I’ve been attempting to decide whether I’m injured or not. The good news is that my knee is feeling better. Or more accurately, I don’t notice it feeling a little weak nearly as often. I wouldn’t say may knee is strong, but I don’t have quite the same fear of it being injured as…
It Might Be A Thing
I’ve been debating with myself for a while now about writing this post. I’m not really a superstitious person (knock on wood), but I’m more than a little afraid that if I say it out loud (or post it on the internet) then it’ll come true. Rationally, I know this isn’t the case. Saying or…
Letting Myself Go
I’m in a bit of a funk. Ever since Boulder Field, things have been a little out of whack for me. It started with my mental state. Normally, the cycle is you get amped up for a race, run it, and then get a little depressed because your big race is now behind you. I…
Grit is one of the key qualities that makes for a successful ultra runner. I can’t adequately express all of it’s nuances, but I know it when I see it. And if that link was too depressing for you, then try this one.
Is Endurance Transferable?
Given I write a blog about running ridiculously long distances, it won’t surprise you to learn that my primary forms of exercise are either running or running’s slower cousin, walking. This isn’t the entirety of my fitness routine, but it’s pretty close. In addition, I do 5-10 minutes of core work 4 or 5 days…
Not Gumby
It’s fairly well known that if you want to do well in ultras then you need to have grit. I won’t buck conventional wisdom, however I do think there’s another trait that is equally important: adaptability. As the races get longer, you need to be more flexible with every strategy and tactic you’ve planned heading…
Eastern States Buckle(s)
Added a second ES100 buckle to my collection last weekend – total time 33:29:31.
Rule #1
As I’ve gained experience running ultras over the past several years, I’ve tried to develop a set of rules to help me along the way. Unfortunately, what seems to work for one race or season or distance doesn’t translate well to another. So what start out as rules gently dissolve in general guidelines: don’t go out…
Old Dominion 100 Maintaining Update
I’ve decided that I’m not in a training cycle so much as I am in a maintaining cycle. I spent 5 months building for Umstead and was probably in my best physical/endurance shape heading into it. It would be great to take a step up from there, but the timing is a little tricky with…
Managing Expectations
I don’t mean to do it. I really don’t, but I have a habit of letting my expectations get out of hand. I typically set out with reasonable targets and goals for myself, however along the way they start to grow. First a little here. Then a little more there. The next thing I know,…