Ten Years Ago. . .

On August 7th, 2012, Barack Obama was still in his first term as President. The Avengers was playing in movie theaters. Bitcoin was trading under $10. And I went for a 1.1 mile run. Ten years ago, my wife and I were training for our first half marathon. We had been running sporadically over the…

Know Your Why Not

To be successful in ultras, you need to know your why. Why do you want to run long distances? Why explore your limits? Knowing this why will help you push through the dark moments and reach the finish line. To enjoy ultras, I think it’s also good to know why you don’t do ultras. Acknowledging…

Paying The Price

There’s a cost to running ultramarathons. I’m not referring to registration fees. Or the trials of actually completing a race. I’m talking about the miles that need to be racked up. The workouts stacked on top of workouts. All of the training that needs to be done just to get you to the starting line.…

Eating Competitions

It’s said that ultras are glorified eating competitions. The implication being that the person who eats the most will perform the best. While this is obviously a little hyperbolic, it’s not completely so. I was reminded of this yet again at MDLD where I did a less than stellar job of shoving calories into my…

20,000 Lifetime Miles

Well, I hit another major running milestone this past week. After logging my 200th long run a couple weeks back, I crossed over the 20,000 lifetime miles threshold on a run last weekend. I’ve ramped up my weekly mileage over the past couple years so what took almost 6 years for the first 10k only…