I’m always curious what type person runs an ultra so I’ve pulled together some data on who else ran Burning River 100 this year. All numbers were pulled from Ultrasignup based on the race results posted on the Burning River website. Age and Gender As is typical in hundreds, the starting field was dominated by…
My 100-Miler Ranks: 2018 Update
I’m now up to nine different 100s over the past couple years. No race is exactly the same and since everyone looks for something different when choosing races, I thought I would give you my ranks in various categories. Disclaimer: These are my own personal opinions based on how I remember them over the past…
2018 Burning River 100 Mile Race Report
No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. Helmuth von Moltke the Elder I’ve done enough ultras to know that whatever gameplan I might come up with, no matter how well thought out it might be, will eventually need to be tossed out the window at some point. And BR100 was no exception. I had…
2018 Burning River 100 Preview
I’m in a weird place. I’m a couple days out from my next 100 miler and I’m not nearly as excited as I typically am. I think a large reason for this is that the race only popped up on my calendar about a month ago. So I don’t have the normal 6-9 months of…
2018 Bighorn 100 Mile Race Report
I went into the race wondering what if any impact the altitude would have on my southeastern PA body. I wasn’t too worried and was comforted by a conversation I had with a runner from Ohio who was sitting next to me on the plane from Minneapolis into Billings. He said he’s run the course…
How I Run Multiple Hundreds a Year
Running a hundred miles is hard. Running more than one a year brings different challenges. If you’ve managed to finish one race, there’s no reason you can’t do several per year as long as you’re smart about it. The following strategies are how I go about doing more than one hundred mile race per year.…
NJ Ultra Festival 100 Miler Splits
Below are my splits from the NJ Ultra. I didn’t have any targets heading into the race and pretty just ran what felt comfortable. Or as comfortable as possible. I ran fairly even splits for the first three hours until the heat started taking a toll on me. I’m a little surprised not to see…
NJ Ultra Festival 100 Miler Race Report
Warning! The NJ Ultra course/setup as currently constructed at the Princeton Blairstown Center is exceptionally challenging. I would definitely not recommend this as someone’s first 100 miler or anyone looking for an easy buckle. Here’s a short list of what makes this race so difficult: Highly technical trails. While no worse than many other races…
NJ Ultra Festival 100 Preview
. . . and then there were only five days left. It’s been eight long months since my last 100 miler and I’ve been chomping at the bit to get back at it the entire time. When you wait for something for so long it’s almost surreal when the moment finally arrives. Eight months slowly…
We’re All Qualified To Be Here
I stumbled upon this video about running 100 miles and thought it did a great job of capturing the physical and emotional toll of running the distance. It’s about two guys who have been doing ultras for a couple years and decide to step up to the 100 mile distance. The first third is about…