I don’t plan out my mileage on an annual basis. I don’t set targets. And I don’t track it too closely as I go through the year. It’s a semi-random function of whatever runs I feel like doing during each of my mini training cycles heading up to my races. So I’m always a little surprised when I get to the end of December and see the final number.

I’m happy to have set an annual mileage PR for the second consecutive year. I’ve highlighted my 200 mile months in the chart above. What used to be a rare occurrence for me has become the new norm.

I hope the above doesn’t come off as too braggy. This is probably more miles than many run, however it’s a lot less than others. There was a post on reddit the past week about this guy who ran 6500 miles last year. It just blows my mind that people can put up volume like that. Just goes to show that there is always someone bigger, better, faster than you and comparison really is the theif of joy.

I attribute the sustainability of this volume is based on the following chart.

As you can see, I’m not setting any land speed records. I’ve slowed down a bit over the last 15 months, which has allowed me to ramp up my miles without becoming injured. I could probably stand to add some more speed to my workouts, but I really enjoy my training right now so am not looking to shake things up.

Have a Happy New Year!