Well, better late than never I guess. Here’s how my running ended up during the month of January. Please keep in mind that these are just numbers. Many runners out there do more or less with varied results. I have no training besides what I read off the internet so buyer beware.

My mileage ended up in line with the past couple years, while my pace was on the faster side. This is explained by most of my miles being done on the roads rather than trails. Even the off road stuff that I’ve been running has been more fire roads than true trails. I’m typically about a minute per mile faster on the roads than trails all else being equal. The real disappoint during January was my hiking miles – twelve. Yikes. I’m not sure how much my hiking miles really factors into my training workload, but it definitely helps my wife out since it’s less dog walking for her. I’ll try and February back up to the 20-25 range at least with March 30-40 miles.
Here are my totals for all other exercises.

None of these are structured in a multi-week training plan like my running is. I have a daily workout that I tweak modestly based on motivation (or lack thereof). Coming into 2017, I wanted to diversify a bit in what falls into my “other” bucket. In the past, this has just been sit-ups, crunches, pull-ups, push-ups, and planks. This month I’ve added a couple extras, however the focus will be on my hip workouts and 100-ups. These both work on improving my strength and flexibility. This should in turn help me become a more efficient runner. Increased efficiency should lead to faster times. Well, at least that’s the theory.